0121 594 0686 hello@onqusupport.com

Tools & Metrics

 ONQU Automation has a range of Tools and metrics that can measure your automation process targets before you emabrk on designed and developing your robots or implment you autoated solutions like Invoice Processing.

It is really good practice to assess your automations and describe what value and benefits you need to create and achieve with your automations. ONQU can provide a list of metrics that can be used as  bench nark to measure change and identify success traits. Whether you need need to improve service velocity, maintain compliance or deliver higher productivity metrics are key to define and measure overtime.

Please review the following Process Cost Calulator and Invoice Cost Calculator to identify if you are able to achieve savings and benfits below.

To speak with one of our team please contact the ONQU Automation offices. use the chatbot below or email hello@onquautomtion.com   

Process Cost Calculator

Which processes are causing the most problems, friction and issues within your organisation use process mining or we have suite of process review tools to help you.

Idea's and Metrics

For a wide range of review metrics and ideas on what you should be measuring please click on the icon or this link.

Invoice Cost Calculator

Do remove change or leave your processes what is working well and delivering value and which processes could be enhanced, tailored and improved by mixing rpa and documnet intilligence digital transformation can be achieved.

Automation Review

YOu need to continually assess your automations and ensure that value is created and process or owrk changees do not result in negative impact. ONQU can provide ongoing support and monitoring woth regular reviews to ensure value and quality are maintained.

Contact Us

0121 803 8808

3 Gatsby Court, 172 Holiday Street, Birmingham B1 1TJ

Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm

Get Started

For a consultation, ask a question or book a demo contact ONQU using the link and contact form below