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Manufacturing – INFOR UiPath RPA

ONQU Automation was contacted by UiPath to one of their recently aquired customers to help implment UiPath within the UK. The Global Group had selected UiPath as their chosen RPA platform and needed help to install and configure against the use case the Digital Transformation Manager had chosen.

The use case was to capture Purchase Order information from one of their major customers which was currently sent via email, printed off and then manually inputed into an Infor manufacturing ERP system.  The automated process would allow identification of PO data, capture and then automate the inclusion of the data into the INFOR system. 

ONQU undertook a Process Defintion Documentation exercise to create the automation structure and  delivered Scalable Proof of Concept (SPOC) Delivery framework. ONQU then helped to train and support internal staff in delivering the automation.


Process Target Review

The first part of the discovery exercise was to run a series of workshops with the manager and accounts team to create an understanding of RPA, which processes can benefit from automation and how value can be created.

Once understood ONQU used our analysis tools to isolate a target processes which was to automate the incoming purchase order entries on to Info ERP. 


Process Capture Review

ONQU met with the staff involved in the process to understand what the process was and they were involved in submitting the information into Infor.

Once the targte process had been identified the next stage of the discovery process was to install a UiPath screen and process capture agent.

This enabled a screen by a screen capture of the process to create a Process Definition Document for each the process.


Scaleable Proof of Concept (SPOC)

Once the Process Definition Documents (PDD) had been completed ONQU was able to define Scalable Proof of Concept (SPOC) for the single main customer with the outcome defined as the ability to scale to al 6 major suppliers.

The outcome was to deliver 80% of the functionality required to create an automated process that identified the Purchase Order data from the order form, isolated it then inserted it into the INFO data schema. ONQU provided development, support and knowledge transfer to the internal teams.